Chapter 1: Centralized Payment Processor
1.1 - Hashes and Signatures
1.2 - State Transitions & Payment Processor Implementation
1.3 - Replay Protection
1.4 - UTXO Model
1.5 - Properties of Centralized Systems
Chapter 2: Client Validation, Networks, and Double Spends
2.1 - Networks and Synchrony
2.2 - Double Spends
2.3 - Latency-Based Consensus
2.4 - Proof of Authority
Chapter 3: Proof of Work Mechanism Design
3.1 - Decentralized Consensus and Blockchains
3.2 - Bitcoin and Nakamoto Consensus
3.3 - Merkle Trees
3.4 - Game Theory in Bitcoin
3.5 - Selfish Mining
Last updated on 9/26/2019 by Kevin Ho